Passionate about providing better healthcare for our patients.
GP Pathfinder Clinics is one of the largest NHS primary care practices in England. We manage healthcare services for over 95,000 patients across five sites in North West London.


GP Pathfinders Clinics patients have lowest A&E usage across the North West London
Brent Borough data shows that patients registered at GP Pathfinder Clinics GP practices have the lowest levels of A&E usage across the Borough. GP Pathfinder Clinics’ 24/7, ‘always-on’ model for...
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What we do best

Triage by medical professionals

Our rapid growth is a result of our commitment to excellent care and ensuring prompt access to the right healthcare professional. By triaging each patient’s needs, we ensure they receive the appropriate consultation the first time.

Rapid Access

We achieve rapid access through the use of customised, patient-friendly technology, on-line access, highly-trained staff and effective triaging. This approach ensures that patients can consult with a healthcare professional within 24 hours and, if necessary, secure an appointment with a GP within three days.

We are always on.

Our online consultation is available 24/7, meaning our patients can access us any time.

Due to our ‘always on’ 24/7 approach, we have the lowest number of patients using A&E in the London area reflecting the effectiveness of our primary care services.

Excellent Results

Chronic conditions covered.
Appointments for chronic conditions are scheduled separately from day-to-day appointments, allowing us to provide better care for long-term conditions.
Learning Difficulties
Palliative Care
Access to a wide range of healthcare professionals
Our team includers specialist physicians, GPs, pharmacists, physiotherapists, clinical nurse specialists, nurses and phlebotomists.

Part of the K&W Healthcare Federation

K&W Healthcare Federation serves more than 450,000 patients in the Brent area of North West London. We collaborate with GP practices within the federation to deliver comprehensive healthcare services.

Working closely with the local diverse community

We collaborate closely with the local community, including local councillors, religious leaders and community leaders, to ensure our services are accessible and understood by everyone. With 121 languages [A1] spoken in Brent, we strive to serve all members of our diverse community effectively.

Ongoing improvement

Our healthcare staff are given ongoing training opportunities and are encouraged to work to the top of their license, ensuring that they can provide the highest standard of patient care.